No Thanks, No Giving November Community Potluck, Teach-In, & Donation Drive, ABQ Nov. 22-23

No Thanks No Giving (3)
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This holiday season, don’t struggle alone. The Red Nation invites you to a No Thanks, No Giving community potluck and teach-in on the real history of Thanksgiving next Thursday, November 22, starting at 5 PM at the Sundowner Community Center, 6101 Central Ave., Albuquerque, NM. Presentations will also focus on the difference between “colonizers,” “settlers,” and “immigrants”; trans rights, ending migrant detention, and abolishing ICE; and making our movements more inclusive and open to youth organizers. The John Brown Breakfast Club will be providing refreshments and food. But we encourage everyone to bring food and to reduce waste by bringing plates, cups, and utensils to share with others. Everyone is welcome. Please bring relatives, children, friends, loved ones, and comrades and break bread with community. ¡Chinga la Migra!

As temperatures get colder, our relatives on the street face increased danger. Instead of celebrating the consumer holiday, Black Friday, on November 23 from 12-5 PM we will also be hosting a Red Friday donation drive at the Sundowner Community Center as part of our #NoDeadNatives campaign. We know charity is not the answer. This is about survival and the longterm goal to create a system in which our relatives’ lives are not expendable. Also, stop by for panels and workshops on ending bordertown violence, anti-capitalism and Indigenous resistance, and updates on the movement to protect Greater Chaco.

Here is a list of critical items we will be collecting throughout the day in partnership with Healthcare for the Homeless:

– Socks (new)
– Coffee (Canned or Bulk size)
– Hats / Scarves / Gloves (new or gently used)
– Lip Balm
– Feminine hygiene products
– Toiletries (travel-size or full-size)
– Bottled Water
– Backpacks
– Undergarments (new)
– Women’s Hygiene Products
These donated items will be distributed to individuals and families without homes.

Twitter: @the_red_nation
Instagram: @therednationmovement
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