New Evidence Suggests the US Navy Continues to Poison Oʻahu Residents Months After Declaring the Water Safe

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, August 3, 2022 Press Contacts: Healani Sonoda-Pale 808-372-2512 Gina Hara 808-941-2154 New data was released the morning of August 2, 2022 by the University of Hawaiʻi … Continue reading  New Evidence Suggests the US Navy Continues to Poison Oʻahu Residents Months After Declaring the Water Safe

No War With Russia! Dismantle NATO! U.S. Out of Everywhere! 

Presently, U.S. media is doing a great job of manufacturing consent. U.S. propaganda is extremely effective at shifting public opinion to favor going to war, by purposely misleading and deceiving the public. In the case of Ukraine, U.S. media is overlooking the far-right and blatant neo-Nazi tendencies of popular movements that the U.S. installed government has allowed to flourish. A U.S. war with Russia will not benefit the masses of innocent Ukrainian people who will suffer in wartime. U.S. and NATO are instigating a war that ultimately only benefits those who financially invest in war and will expand the reach of NATO’s imperialist projects.

Health is Social Justice

Crisis capitalism has caused immense destruction of ecosystems, hunger, pain, and death at the planetary level. Therefore the basis of this economic necropolity must be transformed from the nihilism of the egotistical individual to a life-caring, solidarity-based economy. Humanity is not to blame for this crisis—certainly not the environmental catastrophes—since it is the 1% that hold the biggest economic power over the 99% of us. The top tier of the neoliberal capitalist system and their absurd rampant greed, having accumulated riches we couldn’t even fathom, are the responsible parties behind this civilizational crisis poisoning entire regions, causing millions to be sick and dispossessed victims of capitalist looting.

Letter of Support From Diné Bikeyah to Wet’suwet’en Relatives

The illegal and reprehensible encroachment on Indigenous lands continues today by destructive extractive industries in partnership with complicit governments. The encroachment continues in violation of our human rights and our right to free, prior and informed consent. The destruction continues with full knowledge or ignorance of the irreversible harm being executed on the planet and the poisoning of the future of the world’s grandchildren for the sake of profit and greed.