The Red Nation Podcast - Are you colonized? w/ Jared Ball

The Red Nation Podcast - Are you colonized? w/ Jared Ball

Jared A. Ball (@imixwhatilike) is a Professor of Africana and Communication Studies at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD., and host of the iMiXWHATiLiKE! podcast.

Watch the video edition or the livestream on The Red Nation Podcast YouTube channel

Check out the articles discussed in the episode:

"Imperialism and White Settler Colonialism in Marxist Theory" by John Bellamy Foster

"Logics of Elimination and Settler Colonialism: Decolonization or National Liberation?" by Max Ajl

Listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Listen and download for free on Libsyn!

Watch clips of the show on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube!

The Red Nation Podcast is a collaboration between The Red Nation and Red Media.

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