TRN-Great Lakes Statement on the Kenosha Uprising and the Murder of Jacob Blake

We, The Red Nation-Great Lakes, stand in solidarity with Jacob Blake and his family after he was shot seven times at point blank range by a white cop and left paralyzed. Yet another case of an unarmed Black man being shot by the police.
We stand with ALL protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin who are disgusted by our racist institutions that continue to ignore the demands of the Black Lives Matter movement. We stand against the police who are shooting and killing people with impunity. We stand against the right-wing militias that have been on the streets harassing and now murdering protesters in the name of protecting property and White Supremacy.
The shooting of Jacob Blake is no surprise as Wisconsin has been listed the worst place to live if you are Black. Specifically in Kenosha County, which is between Milwaukee and Chicago, Black people account for only seven percent of the population yet are 33% of people under probation/parole supervision, and 48% of people locked up in jail. Black people are 6 times more likely to be under supervision, and 11 times more likely to be locked up than white people.
We stand with the Kenosha uprising and the Black Lives Matter movement. The police have always been the protectors of private property and Black and Indigenous people continue to be brutalized by a system that does not value them. We must fight to abolish the racist systems and institutions in order to fight for liberation.
#JusticeForJacobBlake #KenoshaUprising #DefundThePolice
Support Jacob Blake’s family and recovery.
Hannah Gittings was Anthony Huber’s partner. On Tuesday 8/26 Anthony decided to use his voice and stand up for a cause that meant something. While peacefully protesting Anthony selflessly tried to Aid in taking down an attacker when he was gunned down. Anthony leaves behind a significant other and a step daughter who need our help. They are in need of money very fast. she can’t retrieve her house or car keys from his body or see him until they find a funeral home and pay for it. Please help if you can. Anthony was a hero.