We Condemn Racist National Park Service for Brutalizing Darrell House

We Condemn Racist National Park Service for Brutalizing Darrell House


Last Saturday, December 26, a National Park Service (NPS) Ranger tasered our Diné and Oneida relative Darrell House, a Marine veteran, and his dog Geronimo at the Petroglyph National Park in Tiwa Territory (Albuquerque, NM). 

Darrell and his sister, who filmed the brutal encounter, were hiking and offering prayers in the park, when they were approached by a larger group. To practice safe physical distancing during a pandemic, the two stepped off the trail to put space between themselves and the other hikers. Park Ranger Wineland followed Darrell and his sister, stopped them for being off-trail, and called for backup.  

Once they returned to the designated trail, officer Graden brutally tasered Darrell, who was unarmed, several times. Darrell was placed in handcuffs, detained for several hours, and, before being released, cited for several infractions including resisting and interfering with NPS functions.

The Petroglyphs National Monument, which is home to ancient Indigenous rock art that still retains spiritual and cultural significance to Indigenous people today, was initially created at the request of Native activists to protect the area from vandalism and developers. Instead, the NPS under the authority of the Department of Interior is policing Native people on Native land. 

Public lands are stolen lands. Indigenous people have the right to practice their culture and spiritual ways on Indigenous land without fear of repression, discrimination, or violence. 

In consultation with our dear relative Darrell House, The Red Nation calls for a full investigation of NPS actions of racial terror that day, the termination of rangers Wineland and Graden, and restitution and a full apology to Darrell and his sister.

Land back begins with defunding racist police on Indigenous land, the department of Interior is no exception.

Petroglyph National Monument Visitors’ Center: (505) 899-0205

Superintendent Nancy Hendricks: nancy_hendricks@nps.gov

Chief of Administration Leigh Ferrell: (505) 595-5458, leigh_ferrell@nps.gov

Administrative Technician Lorenzo Lucero: (505) 238-1875, lorenzo_lucero@nps.gov