Call to Action: Abolish Columbus Day!

March & Rally for Indigenous Peoples’ Day of Resistance & Resilience

Monday, October 12, 2015
Downtown ABQ: First St. & Central Ave @ 5pm

Columbus Day celebrates the death and disappearance of Native people, land and life. We call on all people to unite and declare an end to this racist, colonial holiday. Come out to march for Indigenous resistance and resilience against racist bordertown violence, government and corporate plunder of sacred lands and water, and the continued violation of treaties and Indigenous human rights.

We call on tribal nations and all communities of Albuquerque, the state, and region to come together and take a stand against racism and the corporations who profit from the exploitation of Native people and lands.

Abolish Columbus Day in the city & state!
Natives continue to be marginalized and exploited by racist holidays, mascots, & imagery.

Call on the city and state to abolish Columbus Day!

Stop racist bordertown violence against Natives!
Natives experience catastrophic rates of racial violence and discrimination in NM bordertowns and across the nation. Police kill Natives at the highest rate of any group in the nation. In NM, where Natives are 10% of the population, police killed people at a higher rate in 2014 than in any other state. 13% of Albuquerque’s Native population is chronically homeless and urban Natives in NM have the worst access to health care of any group in the nation.

This is a crisis and we demand an emergency response that matches the scale of the crisis!

Evict corporate polluters! U.S. government & corporations: hands off Native sacred sites, lands, and waters.
The Gold King mine spill dumped over 3 million gallons of toxic sludge into the San Juan River Basin, a vital and sacred source of water for Navajo people. The 1979 Church Rock uranium mill spilled over 1,000 tons of solid radioactive waste and 93 million gallons of radioactive tailings into the Rio Puerco. After 36 years, it has never been properly cleaned up and continues to devastate Navajo communities. The 2015 Defense Reauthorization Act authorized the illegal sale of Oak Flat, a sacred site, to a multinational mining company against the will of the San Carlos Apache people. In 2003, a multinational corporation planned to construct an observatory on the sacred mountain Mauna a Wākea in Hawaiʻi. Despite ongoing opposition by Hawaiians, the observatory’s construction continues to threaten the mountain in 2015.

Corporations continue to destroy and lay waste to Native life in order to reap huge profits. We demand the seizure of these corporations’ assets to pay for the clean up and restoration of contaminated land!

Uphold & defend treaty law for all Natives, on reservation & off!
In 1871 the U.S. government formally refused to uphold treaties, contrary to the sovereignty of Native Nations.

We demand the reinstatement of treaty making and the acknowledgement of Native independence.

The People can make a difference!

Volunteer today! Organize a caravan from your community! Endorse the march!

#ABQAbolishColumbus #BordertownJustice #NoDeadNatives #WaterIsLife

Contact The Red Nation to get involved
T: (505) 670-1110

TRN ACD Call to Action 8-20-2015
