Reinvest: Heal Our Bodies: The Red Nation Launches Part Two of The Red Deal


JANUARY 27, 2020


WHAT: The Red Nation officially launches The Red Deal Part Two: Heal Our Bodies (full report can be downloaded here: Red Deal Part Two Heal Our Bodies)

WHEN: Part Two addresses the harm of neoliberal capitalism and state austerity policies that have shrunk public programs for food, housing, education, transportation, healthcare, and more in the name of ‘fiscal responsibility’ while simultaneously offering subsidies and incentives for multinational corporations to continue plundering the earth. The result? Widespread, unimaginable suffering. How will we respond to this suffering? We will divest from militarization and reinvest in healing our bodies.

Be on the lookout for Part Three of the Red Deal, Heal Our Planet, dropping on the interwebz in late February 2020.

WHERE: The Red Deal can be implemented everywhere and anywhere. When our future is under attack, what do we do? Rise up fight back!

WHY: The Red Nation invites allied movements, comrades, and relatives to read, endorse and adopt a comprehensive Red Deal platform. The Red Deal is one-part visionary platform, one-part practical toolkit. It is not region- or nation-specific; it is a platform that encompasses everyone, including our non-Indigenous comrades and relatives who live on Indigenous land. Any aspect of the Red Deal can become the basis for grassroots campaigns in your local context. What are the most pressing issues your community faces? Contaminated water? Police violence? Inadequate housing? Lack of jobs? Polluted land? Lack of access to quality healthcare? The Red Deal addresses all these issues under one comprehensive vision for change.

We hope the Red Deal will be adopted to build successful movements that can halt climate change and prioritize Indigenous liberation. But make no mistake. The Red Deal advocates a particular method of change; one that emphasizes grassroots movement building and draws from people-power to enact reform. This isn’t the usual approach to change, which dictates that we put effort and faith into electing or lobbying a politician who may or may not enact reforms that will result in real change. As we say in the Red Deal, climate change will kill us before this approach to “change” actually changes anything.

The Red Deal makes the bold claim that politicians cannot do what only mass movements can do. There is irrefutable evidence throughout the world that political elites act in the interest of corporate bosses, not the people (or the earth). The Red Deal challenges this status quo. It seeks to inspire working class people to build power from below, a kind of power that can shape our future rapidly and strategically.

We have barely a decade to turn back the tide of climate disaster. We did not create this disaster, but we have inherited it. It is time to reclaim the life and destiny that has been stolen from us and rise up together to confront this challenge and build a world where all life can thrive. Politicians may or may not follow; this is up to them. But we will design, build, and lead this movement with or without them. Join us!












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Instagram: @therednationmovement

Facebook: The Red Nation



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